Office moves Archives – Good Greek Moving & Storage Mon, 02 Oct 2023 19:45:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Office moves Archives – Good Greek Moving & Storage 32 32 5 Smart Reasons to Move Your Business To Miami Sat, 16 Oct 2021 11:37:54 +0000 Florida is booming, even by Florida standards. Long a magnet for vacationers and retirees, Florida now is adding new residents at a historic pace. More than 2.7 million moved to Florida in the last decade, pushing its population to more than 21 million, making it the third-most populous state in the country. Many of those …

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Ocean Drive night in Miami Beach
Image Credit –fotomak/

Florida is booming, even by Florida standards. Long a magnet for vacationers and retirees, Florida now is adding new residents at a historic pace. More than 2.7 million moved to Florida in the last decade, pushing its population to more than 21 million, making it the third-most populous state in the country.

Many of those are business owners relocating to the Sunshine State. Local leaders have noted an increase in the number of companies focusing on tech, banking, and finance moving into Miami and Dade County. But it also includes plenty of small business owners.

Miami has become one of the hottest of all the Florida business hotspots. John Boyd, the CEO of The Boyd Company, recently told Business Insider that Miami is “one of the hottest new tech hubs in North America today.” Even the popular sandwich chain Subway has started to move jobs from its Connecticut headquarters to Miami.

But you don’t have to own a bank, a tech company or a nationwide food chain to benefit from moving your business to Miami. Here are the top five reasons to move your business to Magic City, no matter what type of business you run.

Business-Friendly Tax Structure

Much is made of the lack of state income tax in Florida, as well as no inheritance or intangibles tax. They certainly provide a big boost to businesses that want to attract skilled workers who enjoy having more money in their pocket. But Miami also offers corporate and sales tax rates that are low when compared to other states. As the current Miami mayor said in an interview, the high tax rates in other states are a “tremendous disincentive to be productive” and the tax laws in Miami always attract entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry leaders. WalletHub recently ranked Miami (again) among the top cities in the country to start a business.

High Quality of Life

Miami is known for having one of the best climates and some of the most pristine beaches in the United States. Miami also boasts one of the best cultural scenes in the world, with world-class art museums, performing arts, filmmakers, writers, and musicians. It also has every possible cuisine available in restaurants throughout Miami and Dade County. Few places offer can match the quality of life available in Miami. That fact has made Miami attractive to talented people for many years, especially now in the age of remote workers. The same can be said of business owners who have the advantage of choosing where they live.

A Growing Tech Sector

Many cities around the country claim to be the next Silicon Valley. That became the hot take on Miami starting in 2020. The truth is, there is only one Silicon Valley. But that hasn’t stopped Miami from emerging as a magnet for tech businesses and workers. For example, the Boston tech consultant firm Nucleus Research opened an office in Miami in 2020, giving employees the option to work in Boston or Miami. Within a few months, the majority of the staff voted to work in Miami. Tech investor and venture capitalist David Blumberg has moved from San Francisco to Miami. Keith Rabois, who helped launch Square, LinkedIn, Yelp, and PayPal, is moving to Miami, as is Shutterstock founder Jon Oringer, who is starting a new fund to invest in Miami startups. Clearly, there’s a shift in tech jobs to Miami.

Doorway to Latin America

Depending on the type of business, some entrepreneurs come to Miami because it provides them access to the growing markets in the Caribbean and Central and South America. Miami offers a diverse work culture and also serves as a gateway into Latin America, offering the chance for international expansion into potentially lucrative markets.

A Deep and Growing Talent Pool

Miami attracts professionals from across the United States – particularly the northeast – and Latin America. People who speak both English and Spanish are the norm, not the exception. Miami and the surrounding area are home to businesses in aerospace, life sciences, healthcare, hospitality and tourism, and information technology. That’s led to a diverse and growing pool of talented workers. They’ve also created a huge marketplace for new businesses.

These five factors are helping Miami and Dade County attract more businesses to locate there. The business-friendly tax structure alone would attract many. But with the added bonus of everything Miami has to offer, it’s easy to why the city continues to rank among the best locations for smart business owners

Are you considering relocating your business? If so connect with a relocation specialist today by calling (561) 683-1313.


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Should I Move My Business? The Benefits And Risks of Making a Move Mon, 20 Jul 2020 05:39:13 +0000 Business owners have plenty of good reasons to make a move. In many cases, it’s necessary to keep up with rapid expansion. Or, it allows a business to improve cash flow and cut expenses by lowering operating costs. However, before deciding if you should move your business, you must also weigh the risks involved. In …

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Business owners have plenty of good reasons to make a move. In many cases, it’s necessary to keep up with rapid expansion. Or, it allows a business to improve cash flow and cut expenses by lowering operating costs.

However, before deciding if you should move your business, you must also weigh the risks involved. In some cases, the advantages of making a move may not outweigh what you might lose by changing locations.

Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons for making a move, as well as the risks that should be considered.

Reasons To Move Your Business

No situation works out the same way every time. But some factors for moving a business are more common than others. They include the following.

You’ve Outgrown Your Current Space

This is a good “problem” to have. If you’ve needed to expand your staff because your business keeps growing, then you may need more space. Most businesses start in a small location – even the garage or house of the founder – before moving to an actual office in the same city. Eventually, they will move to an even bigger office for better services, utilities, infrastructure and other features.

Lower Rental Costs

Sometimes, a move is wise if you find space to rent for an office that has a better cost. Business owners sometimes find a lower-cost building in a different area, but must balance cost savings with staying near the target audience. The suburbs or satellite towns often have better prices than those in the heart of a city.

You Can Sell Your Current Space

In some cases, an entrepreneur may have purchased a space to start a business years ago. If that building has increased in value, it may make sense to sell the building for a profit and then rent out another space at a lower cost. This allows a business to tap into a cash windfall while also lowering expenses. That’s a hard combination to pass up.

You Want To Reach A New Market

This is especially true in retail and restaurants. A new location is needed to reach new customers. The same is true of any business where the owner thinks a new location can help him or her tap into a new market. This can include moves across the city or to another state.

Workforce Issues

Some areas offer a larger, more skilled workforce than others. Businesses may want to move to tap into that workforce and increase the skills and knowledge level among employees. This is especially true for businesses that need a certain type of skill set in their workers.

Risk Factors In Moving Your Business

Sometimes, an owner wants to move, but the risks might seem too high. In that case, not moving is the right choice. Some of the risks to consider include the following.

  • Losing customers/suppliers. Are the customers you hope to gain from a move worth losing the ones you already have? Also, will moving to a new location make it harder to keep favorable contracts with current suppliers?
  • Tax incentives. Sometimes, getting a tax incentive for moving to a certain area may seem worthwhile. However, it’s important to calculate how much benefit it offers in the long run.
  • Startup and operating costs. A move might seem reasonable at first, but it’s important to take a deep look at the numbers and determine all the costs associated with the move.
  • Work availability. As noted above, some moves are made to find better workers. Make sure that a move made for other reasons (expansion, lowering operating costs) doesn’t make it harder to recruit good workers.

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Things You Must Do Before Moving Your Business or Office Fri, 31 Jan 2020 09:23:07 +0000 When you are ramping up the big day of your office move, you want an overall plan and a checklist of things to do. You also want what follows: A list of critical things you simply must do with every office move if you want it to go right. Without doing these things, you can …

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When you are ramping up the big day of your office move, you want an overall plan and a checklist of things to do. You also want what follows: A list of critical things you simply must do with every office move if you want it to go right.

Without doing these things, you can expect chaos. But it’s worth putting in the effort to make a move go right. Most employees – perhaps surprisingly – find that relocating to a new office is a positive thing. Taking care of the following issues can make the experience stay positive.

Send An Office Move Notice

It’s easy to get caught up in the move and forget to take the steps that ensure the business runs smoothly after the move. An office move notice letter is something that must be done so clients can contact you easily in your new location. This also is crucial for suppliers. Many people are not sure what to say in the letter, which is why we have a handy office moving notice free template that you can use. Make sure to deliver the office move notice letter at least a month before the move date.

Set a Moving Budget

From the start, you will want to set a moving budget and do everything in your power to stick with it. Part of this is contacting a mover and getting a free, written estimate on what the move will cost.

Contact Vendors

If you rely on vendors and suppliers for your business, you want to know well in advance if they can provide you service at the new office location. If so, you’re in good shape. If not, the next item on this list will be “find new vendors and suppliers for your new location.”

Hire a Cleaner

Much like renters who don’t want to lose their apartment rental deposit, businesses need to make sure the old office is thoroughly cleaned to avoid any fees from the building owners.

Set Rules for Employees

No matter if you have a big, medium or small business, you must circulate some rules for the move before it happens. That’s because keeping employees safe is the No. 1 priority during a move. Make sure they understand that they are not expected to move anything heavy or do a lot of lifting. Employees should be given a box and told to pack items from their desk they want, then seal it and label it (if it isn’t already labeled with their name in advance). Anything else should be handled by professionals. That way you avoid injury from tripping, sliding, dropping something heavy or stretching to reach something high. You also will want to seek input from employees about what they might need in the new office in terms of equipment, chairs, tables, etc.

Have Someone Focus On New Building

It’s important to have one person on staff who focuses on getting into the new office rather than focusing on getting out of the old office. That includes issues such as hooking up utilities, making sure the owners have cleaned the office, and creating a floor plan for placement of office desks and equipment. In short, making sure everything that was supposed to happen is actually happening. Otherwise, moving day will be a great disappointment to everyone.

Hire a Professional Mover

Most large businesses follow this one, but many smaller businesses might think they can handle the move themselves. That’s understandable because that sort of “can do” spirit is what drives people to become small business owners in the first place. But you don’t want the risks associated with moving yourself or doing it with a non-professional mover. Those risks include breaking important items, not having the right tools to move awkward items (such as conference tables) and employees getting injured during the move. You can avoid all of that by partnering with an experienced, professional moving company.

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How to Coordinate An Office Move Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:54:26 +0000 Moving to a new office is a great sign for a business. It usually means your operation is growing and you need room to expand. However, an office move also presents challenges and requires careful planning. The following looks at steps to take when coordinating an office move that can lessen business “down time” and …

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Moving to a new office is a great sign for a business. It usually means your operation is growing and you need room to expand. However, an office move also presents challenges and requires careful planning. The following looks at steps to take when coordinating an office move that can lessen business “down time” and make the move less stressful for employees.

Develop A Timeline

As far in advance as possible, create a timeline for the move that includes all the tasks that must be accomplished and the people responsible for each task. This will require creating a team of people responsible for different aspects of the move. Makes sure to include them all in planning the timeline and creating realistic deadlines for each task.

Structure the Team

One way to approach creating the moving team is to put one person in charge, then have representatives from each department on the team. That way, the views of every department are heard and considered. This is also the time to determine how many employees and how much office equipment will be part of the move.

Hire a Mover

As much as six months (or more) before the move, have a list of every item that will need to be moved. This information then can be used when hiring office moving services. When choosing a mover, keep the following in mind.

  • Only consider companies with the proper licensing to handle local, statewide and cross-country moves
  • Only work with companies that offer insurance through a third-party provider (moving companies offer basic, standard insurance and should offer information on getting higher levels of insurance through third-party companies)
  • Make sure to get a written contract for your moving costs
  • Let movers know in advance what services you need, such as packing or temporary storage
  • Be sure to research moving companies, including reading online reviews
  • Look for companies with experience in handling office moves

Make Plans For The New Space

To help determine what you will need to move, design how the office will be laid out in the new location. You can eliminate any items you will not need. Also, any problem areas in the current location can be fixed with the design of the new space.

Notify Customers

About four months before the move, notify your customers. Now is the time to create an office moving notice letter to send to customers, vendors and business partners. The letter should be short and to the point, offering information on your new office address and any changes to email addresses, phone numbers and contacts.

Assign Tasks

Each employee should know their office move tasks weeks before the move. An important part of this is ensuring employee safety. This includes informing employees about avoiding certain types of behavior, including the lifting of heavy objects, overreaching, deep bending, twisting and trip and falls. It’s important to allow professional movers to handle the work, not employees.

On Moving Day

Make sure all the personnel needed for the move are in place. Clearly mark what needs to be moved and what will go into storage or discarded. Once in the new location, have a plan where you want movers to place office furniture and equipment (based on the design you did months before).

Moving to a new office is an important time for businesses, With the proper amount of planning and by hiring a professional moving company, the move can happen smoothly and get your business back online as quickly as possible.

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The Pros and Cons Of Moving Your Business Tue, 05 Nov 2019 16:26:08 +0000 At some point, every business owner considers moving to a new location. The reasons can vary. In some cases, it’s to get closer to a potentially lucrative market. Or business growth might mean that you need more space for employees and equipment. Whatever the case, businesses face challenges when moving to a new location. There …

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At some point, every business owner considers moving to a new location. The reasons can vary. In some cases, it’s to get closer to a potentially lucrative market. Or business growth might mean that you need more space for employees and equipment.

Whatever the case, businesses face challenges when moving to a new location. There are pros and cons to moving your business. If you want the new move to be successful, you need to consider both sides of the issue. A failure to plan could result in a business move not paying off.

The following looks at some pros and cons of moving your business.

The Pros of Moving Your Business

While every situation is different, you should find that one of the following pros fits into your plans. If more than one is among your goals, so much the better.

A Better Market

This is a common reason in South Florida. Many businesses move here because it’s a growing market of millions of consumers. From Miami to Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, South Florida offers many opportunities for businesses.

And even within South Florida, certain areas might prove better for your business than others. Businesses often make a move to areas with consumer demographics that better match their product or service.

Room to Grow

Successful businesses often outgrow their original office. What worked when you were a startup may now seem cramped or outdated. Many businesses relocate not only to have better facilities for their current employees and equipment, but also room to expand to a larger size in the future. In this area, moving is often part of a long-range strategic plan to grow the business.

Reducing Costs of Operation

Reducing costs is a constant goal for all businesses, and office overhead is often one of the biggest items. When business owners come across a deal that could allow them to cut expenses by moving, many leap at the chance. In some cases, skyrocketing rent at the current location can also drive businesses to move. The key here is making sure the new location is not only less expensive but also meets your standards for a business location.

The Cons of Moving Your Business

There are downsides to relocating your business. Many of them can be alleviated with proper planning and by working with an experienced moving company.

The Potential Loss of Clients

Many moves happen to get closer to a potentially larger client base. However, you also run the risk of losing clients with a move. Smart business owners take the time to calculate the numbers and ensure the gains made with a move will outweigh any losses.

Potential High Costs of Moving

High costs can come in overpaying for the move, the loss or damage of office equipment during the move and disruption of your business. This is where hiring experienced movers can pay off. Search for companies that offer free estimates, pricing and have a track record of moving businesses quickly to limit any down time for the company.

Relocating Your Family

If you are moving to Florida from another state to relocate or start your business, you also will need to move your family. This can be a pro or con, depending on whether your family is excited about a move. This is another area where an experienced moving company can help. Some companies have expertise in both business and individual moves. You will want one of these companies for your move.

If you are considering moving your company, a good call to make early in the process is to give Good Greek Moving & Storage a call. As experienced business movers, Good Greek Moving & Storage offers companies a mover they can trust and who will complete the move with the smallest possible amount of business interruption

Moving Your Office? Save Time with our Free Office Moving Letter Template

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Prepare for an office move Wed, 26 Jun 2019 02:58:53 +0000 An office move is one of the biggest and most complex tasks managers have to take on. It’s important to make sure that the move is handled both efficiently and safely, limiting any business disruptions. Having the staff prepared to move requires creating a rock-solid move plan. The following looks at some of the issues …

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An office move is one of the biggest and most complex tasks managers have to take on. It’s important to make sure that the move is handled both efficiently and safely, limiting any business disruptions.

Having the staff prepared to move requires creating a rock-solid move plan. The following looks at some of the issues that businesses face and ways to keep an office or business move manageable.

The First Five Things To Know

You want to keep the follow major points in mind as you prepare the office staff for the big move. Everything else flows from these ideas.

  • Properly determine how much space you need
  • Set deadlines and meet them
  • Stay within the budget
  • Hire a trustworthy moving partner

That last one could rank as No. 1, considering that many of the issues that happen in an office move occur because of the lack of a quality professional mover.

Here are some steps to take to ensure you meet all the above.

Fix a Schedule

Two months before the move, set up a schedule. This is going to be the document you refer to, so it needs to be thorough. Set deadlines for hiring a mover, having everyone packed, having all the stuff you’re not moving disposed of, and the dates of the actual move (it’s usually going to take two to three days).

Once you have that, you can then determine all the dates that the staff needs to know for each step (such as the day their department needs to have their desks packed or when they need to submit a list of all the furniture they need moved).

Notify Everyone

A month before you move, staff needs to notify everyone who needs to know about your change of address. You can use a template like this one to make those notifications. It’s important to also make new business cards and stationery and make any changes necessary for the contact information on the website.

Put Someone In Charge

One person will need to act as the coordinator for all the moving activities. They will keep the list of deadlines and makes sure that they are all met. You may also want to put more than person in charge – a moving committee – if needed.

Professional Packing

Hire a mover with experience in packing sensitive computer and other equipment. You want to avoid as many problems as possible. This is also the part where it’s important to note that employees should never move anything. That’s a safety hazard! Employees should only put the belongs they want to take into a box and leave it on the desk. The professionals will take it from there.

Those are some of the tips to keep in mind when getting staff ready for an office move. The goal is to minimize disruption and enhance safety. It can be done with some careful planning and following through, as well as with a professional moving partner.

Contact Good Greek Moving & Storage for A Free Office Move Price Quote Today!

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Safety Tips For When You Move An Office Sat, 25 May 2019 18:01:24 +0000 Moving an office is a complex undertaking. The wisest move is to partner with a professional moving company that can handle the harder aspects of the move. Even so, some companies decide to do a lot of the work themselves. That can lead to potential safety issues. However, the following tips can increase the chances …

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Moving an office is a complex undertaking. The wisest move is to partner with a professional moving company that can handle the harder aspects of the move.

Even so, some companies decide to do a lot of the work themselves. That can lead to potential safety issues. However, the following tips can increase the chances of doing a move without any accidents or injuries.

Even if you do hire a professional mover, it’s important to keep these office move safety tips in mind. Good Greek Moving and Storage has years of experience handling office moves and can offer more detailed advice on how to approach your office move, as well as services that can make the moving process much smoother.

Typical Office Move Injuries

When moving an office, there is the chance for many kinds of injuries. If you or your employees do handle move-related physical work, it’s important to know the potential problems.

Some common issues to be aware of include the following, all taken from the federal Department of Employment and Training (ETA), which is a division of the U.S. Labor Department.

  • Lifting of heavy objects. Leave these for the professional movers! Many people suffer back injuries from trying to lift boxes. Remember, even small boxes can weigh much more than you might expect.
  • Overreaching. This can lead to strained wrists, arms and shoulders.
  • Deep bending. This can lead to injuries in the leg and back strains.
  • Twisting. Twisting your body in an unusual position, especially when carrying something heavy, can result in back injuries.
  • Cuts. People often cut their hands or arms while lifting or packing.
  • Trip or falls. This happens because the office floor becomes overrun with clutter – or people stand on chairs. Never stand on chairs!

Tripping and Falling Hazards

Another area pointed out by the ETA is the issue of tripping and falling. This happens because the office floor becomes overrun with clutter – or people stand on chairs. Never stand on chairs! It’s one of the most frequent causes of injury during an office move. Before the move, take the time to talk with the entire office staff about the potential hazards that the move can create.

Damaged Equipment

This is where a professional mover can really be an asset. Expensive computers, printers and other office equipment is something that a professional mover is used to handling. They also offer insurance to protect your company on the chance that there is any damage.

Lost Business Time

Another issue with a move is that in addition to creating hazards for workers, it also can lead to loss of productivity as everything gets shut down with the move. A professional office moving company will create a packing and moving schedule around your businesses work hours, ensuring that you lose the least amount of work time as possible.

Blocking Exits

When moving, make sure to create a staging area of packed boxes that does not obstruct any exits from the building, in addition to not cluttering the floor and creating tripping hazards. Even during a move, you want to make sure the employees are safe during an emergency.

One of the smartest moves you can make when planning an office move is to call a professional moving service such as Good Greek Moving & Storage. They have years of experience helping businesses just like yours plan and executive their business moves.

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