Tips & Guides Archives – Good Greek Moving & Storage Mon, 02 Oct 2023 19:50:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips & Guides Archives – Good Greek Moving & Storage 32 32 Air Travel Trips For Seniors Relocating to Florida Thu, 15 Jun 2023 22:54:58 +0000 Thousands of older adults relocate to Florida every year. Many of them invest in Florida real estate, buying a new home where they can enjoy year-round sunshine, the beaches, and many activities aimed especially at seniors. Planning for a senior relocation involves many different issues, including downsizing the senior’s home. Another smart move is to …

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Air Travel Trips For Seniors Relocating to Florida
Image Credit – A Lot Of People/

Thousands of older adults relocate to Florida every year. Many of them invest in Florida real estate, buying a new home where they can enjoy year-round sunshine, the beaches, and many activities aimed especially at seniors.

Planning for a senior relocation involves many different issues, including downsizing the senior’s home. Another smart move is to use an auto transport service and eliminate the need for seniors to drive hundreds of miles on their own. It’s far safer and more convenient to fly than to drive a long distance when moving to the Sunshine State.

Of course, flying with seniors provides its own set of challenges. The following tips can make the process run much more smoothly.

Reduce Stress

Relocating to Florida provides seniors with many advantages. But getting there can often prove challenging. If you choose to fly seniors down and have their cars professionally transported, putting the following tips into action will help.

Pre-Trip Tips

The smoothest trips start by making a plan and getting a lot of the work done before ever leaving the house. They include the following tips.

  • Talk to a physician before taking a flight if you have chronic medical conditions or mobility issues. It’s important they give you the green light before you decide to fly.
  • Set up ground transportation home to the airport and from the destination airport to your new home in advance.
  • Contact the airport to request any special services you might require. This includes a wheelchair, help to get through security, and early boarding on the plane.
  • Contact the airline ahead of time to arrange early boarding or get a seat with more legroom and near the bathroom.
  • Book non-stop flights to cut down on the amount of walking you have to do, even if the cost is slightly higher. Changing planes and having to navigate the third airport makes trips more stressful.

During the Trip

These tips will help during the trip itself.

  • Have everything packed the night before departure so you can get off to an early start.
  • Arrive at the airport at least two hours before your plane departs.
  • Bring something to read! You never know when you might experience a delay before boarding.
  • Pack all medications and important items in a carry-on bag
  • Bring plenty of snacks and water (airplane air is dry and can lead to dehydration)
  • If it’s a long flight, take time to stand and stretch your legs and even walk a bit before boarding and from time to time during the flight.

At the Destination

Once you arrive in Florida, congratulations. You’ve moved to one of the fastest-growing states in the country. Now that you’re here, there are some things to do right away.

  • Contact loved ones and let them know you’ve arrived
  • Take the ground transportation directly to your new home so you can get some rest and recover after the flight
  • Don’t schedule any activities for the first few days that may become strenuous. Give yourself time to rest up
  • Invest in flip-flops and shorts!

Transporting a car rather than driving can relieve a lot of the stress you might feel about a move to Florida. And these air travel tips for seniors can also lower anxiety and improve the chances that you will enjoy your journey to your new home state.

Relocating to Florida? Contact a Good Greek Total Relocation Specialist to See How  We Can Help Plan and Execute Your Move. Call (561) 683-1313 Now!

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Common Moving Day Mistakes to Avoid Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:25:44 +0000 The stress of moving can lead to making common moving mistakes that cost you money, time, and (sometimes) your sanity. Like all big tasks in life, it’s best to have a plan. And one of the best places to start is knowing what not to do during a move. The following covers some of the …

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Still life shot of an empty room in a house on moving day

The stress of moving can lead to making common moving mistakes that cost you money, time, and (sometimes) your sanity. Like all big tasks in life, it’s best to have a plan. And one of the best places to start is knowing what not to do during a move.

The following covers some of the common moving mistakes that movers come across repeatedly. Don’t feel bad about yourself if you’ve made these mistakes, almost everyone does at some point in their lives. But by knowing what to avoid, it makes it easier to create a moving plan that is both effective and efficient.

Avoiding These Moving Day Mistakes Will Make Your Moving Experience Better

The following list of 7 common moving mistakes does not cover every moving mistake people make – that list would be considerably longer – but it does hit on the ones that plague people most frequently. They all should rank higher on every person’s list of things to avoid during a move.

Hiring the Wrong Mover

Unfortunately, the moving industry attracts plenty of scam artists looking to separate you from your money or your belongings. Common tactics include offering a too-good-to-be-true cost estimate, then asking for more money once all your items are loaded on the truck. At the worst, they might drive away with all your items and never show up at the final destination. It’s absolutely imperative to hire only licensed movers with good reputations and years of experience in the moving business.


Otherwise known as “waiting until the last minute.” A move can feel overwhelming, and when people feel overwhelmed, they put off doing what has to be done. As with most large tasks, the key to a successful move is to start early and take one small step at a time over a longer period of time. This includes clearing out the clutter, buying packing supplies, taking on your move one room at a time, and having a plan for the kids and your pets during the move. Procrastination only leads to more work down the road, as well as the stress of an approaching deadline.

Forgetting to Set Up Your New Home

In the rush to move out of your old home, it’s easy to forget to take the steps to set up your new one. Some of the steps you need to take include the following.

  • Contact the eclectic company to have power on when you arrive
  • Check into what you must do to register your vehicle if you move to a new state
  • File a change of address form with the post office
  • Send a change of address letter or email to family, friends, and business contacts
  • Have cleaning supplies in case they are needed at your new place
  • Have toilet paper already purchased and available when you arrive

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Another helpful step is to find the location of places you will need to visit once you arrive, including a grocery store, gas station, post office, car wash, etc. For those who work out or run, it helps to locate a gym, yoga studio, and/or a park with good running trails so you don’t miss time on your workout routine.

Unorganized Boxes

Once you arrive at your new home, you can skip a lot of frustration and time wasted by having clearly marked boxes so you know what’s inside each box. This is especially important for items you will need right away, such as cooking utensils, clothing, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and paper towels.

Not Doing the Declutter

It’s a rare person who actually enjoys decluttering a home. For most people, the need to get rid of the junk they have accumulated through the years is the first point where procrastination kicks in. As with packing, it’s important to take on small projects over time when it comes to decluttering. Plan ahead to donate items, hold a yard sale or give things away to friends and family.

Not Understanding Mover’s Liability Coverage

Liability coverage that protects you from loss or damage of your items during a move is misunderstood by many people. Most states require movers to have basic carrier liability coverage that is typically based on about 60 cents per pound per item if an item is damaged (that can vary by state). Reputable movers will direct clients to third-party companies that offer higher levels of coverage. However, before buying additional coverage, people should check their current homeowner’s insurance to see if the policy includes coverage of items lost or damaged during a move. Whatever approach you take, just make sure you understand what liability coverage you have before movers start to put your items in the truck.

Not Taking Advantage of Available Services

Some of the bigger moving companies will offer extra services such as packing and unpacking your items, junk removal, and auto transport. The packing services can save you time and money on packing all your own items. Junk removal is a huge help on that decluttering project. And auto transport can save you the time, money, and stress of driving your car a long distance to your new home.

No move is ever going to be completely hassle-free, but eliminating these common moving mistakes is a big step toward greatly reducing move-related stress. Keep them in mind as you prepare for your next move.

Need Help Planning Your Move? Contact A Relocation Specialist Now (561) 683-1313.

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Make Your Move Easier with Pro Moving Tips from the Good Greek Tue, 09 May 2023 09:57:21 +0000 What makes a good move? Simple. Planning and organization make for a good move.  With the help of the pro tips below the Good Greek will help you plan your move, and organize your goods. Prepare for Your Move If you’re moving, you’ll need moving supplies. Boxes, plenty of tape, markers, and maybe some stuffing …

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What makes a good move? Simple. Planning and organization make for a good move.  With the help of the pro tips below the Good Greek will help you plan your move, and organize your goods.

Prepare for Your Move

If you’re moving, you’ll need moving supplies. Boxes, plenty of tape, markers, and maybe some stuffing (washcloths? socks?) for delicate packages.

Do you need temporary storage before your new home is ready? How about junk removal services for your old home? Are you driving your car to your new home or do you need auto transport help? Let Good Greek take care of it all.

Here are three things you can do during the early stages of your move to make things run smoothly later on:

  • Create a Moving Checklist. Lots of things to do before you even begin packing. Make a moving checklist and start checking off your tasks. Do you need moving insurance? Do you have an inventory of your possessions?
  • Make a Moving Folder. Label your folder. Place your moving checklist inside your moving folder. Now you’re ready to go. Notes, lists, correspondence, business cards, receipts – it all goes in your folder. Find a safe place for it.
  • Hold a Moving Sale. Try your best to answer this question honestly: Do we need that? No reason to pay to ship stuff you don’t want or won’t use. Defray your moving costs by holding a moving sale.

Get Packing!

Some people pack gradually, some do it all at once in a rush. Either way, here are a few tips for making your packing experience less frustrating:

  • Use properly sized boxes. Small boxes for the heavy stuff. Save larger boxes for linens and the like. Wardrobe boxes are nice. They protect your clothes.
  • Pack one room at a time. Begin in the rooms you occupy the least. Don’t forget the outside shed. Make sure you label the box with the room name.
  • Leave everyday items for last. You hate unpacking things you need. Save the kitchen until the end. If you might need the item, leave the box open.

Schedule Your Move

Determine your needs. Then call the movers. They’ll ask how many rooms of furniture you have, and want you to describe the big pieces. Give the effort. Take out your tape measure, and make a list. The knowledgeable customer gets the best deal.

Here are three tasks to accomplish as part of scheduling your successful move:

  • Choose Your Moving Schedule. Whether long-distance or local, figure out when you want to be in your new home. Give some leeway at the outset. Figure out your schedule needs before shopping for your mover.
  • Choose Your Moving Company. Price, availability, reputation – those are your three shopping keys. You might have to give a little on price or adjust your schedule, but don’t skimp on your reputation requirements.
  • Prepare for departure. Choose a carrier, then make your personal travel plans. Double-check your hotel reservations. Does the family car need servicing? Schedule your disconnections. Arrange your new connections.

Making Your Move

If you’ve done things right, moving day should be filled with relief. You’re packed, your overnight gear is stalled, and you’re ready for the movers. Identify the driver – they’re in charge. Then learn who’s the lead mover. They’re your chief contacts for the day.

Grab your clipboard. It shows them you mean business. Here are three tips for making your moving day go smooth like butter:

  • Isolate overnight bags. Start your moving day by preparing for the end of the day. Upon waking, gather all your overnight needs and stash them outside the house. It’s a bummer when movers take your overnight bags.
  • Supervise movers. Once your overnight bags are secured, turn your attention to the moving crew. How important are your possessions? Make notes on your clipboard. Deal with issues as they occur. Take photos!
  • Depart your old home. One last look around. Look above your head and at your feet. Did you empty the attic? Are the utilities scheduled for the disconnect? Say goodbye, then don’t look back. Your future lies ahead of you.

If planning, packing, and moving all your stuff sounds is more than you want to do, we can help. The relocation specialist and professional movers at Good Greek have been helping people move for years and are ready to assist with planning your move now.

Need Help? Contact A Relocation Specialist at (561) 683-1313.


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Tips For Moving to a Satellite City Sat, 25 Mar 2023 16:34:27 +0000 When people search for a new place to move to, they often focus on the city itself. That’s a good first step because urban centers tend to have the most cultural and sports attractions, as well as some of the best restaurants. But your search when moving to a new city shouldn’t stop with just …

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Tips For Moving to a New City

When people search for a new place to move to, they often focus on the city itself. That’s a good first step because urban centers tend to have the most cultural and sports attractions, as well as some of the best restaurants.

But your search when moving to a new city shouldn’t stop with just the city itself. While the word “suburbs” may have no attraction for you, there are also other areas called “satellite cities.” They’re worth checking out because they rank among some of the fastest-growing areas in the United States.

Satellite cities are well known for their good schools, steady property values, low crime, and peaceful neighborhoods. If that sounds like a good combination to you, read on.

What Is a Satellite City?

Urban planners and local leaders came up with the term satellite city to describe municipalities adjacent to a well-known big city. They differ from suburban communities in that they are cities in their own right. They typically have their own base of businesses that employ many of the local residents.

That said, the definition of satellite cities can get a bit murky. For example, the term “edge city” describes something similar, but typically involves a suburban area that has grown a base of businesses and neighborhoods. Typically, a satellite city existed on its own before the larger city grew to reach its borders.

In some cases, satellite cities have been more or less absorbed by the big city or the surrounding urban area. Coral Gables in South Florida is a good example of this, as are many of the smaller cities and towns in places such as the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Tampa Bay, and Southern California.

Some of the biggest satellite cities have grown into large cities of their own, including Fort Lauderdale, Florida (a satellite of Miami); Berkeley, California (a satellite of San Francisco); Greeley, Colorado (a satellite of Denver); Clearwater, Florida (a satellite of Tampa); and Plano, Texas (a satellite of Dallas).

What Are the Benefits of Satellite Cities?

While some people love the idea of living in Miami, Atlanta, or Houston, others are fans of the practical advantages offered by places such as Plantation, Florida; Marietta, Georgia; and Sugar Land, Texas.

Some advantages of satellite cities 

  • Lower rent costs
  • Lower home prices
  • High-ranking schools
  • Lower crime rates when compared to large cities
  • Many chains and locally owned retail options (many located in small downtown areas)
  • Plenty of good restaurant choices
  • Good roads or rail systems to take you into the city

And while there are many great neighborhoods in cities, smaller satellite cities tend to have quieter neighborhoods with newer houses that have modern amenities.

Satellite Cities Among Fastest Growing Areas

The attraction of satellite cities is apparent in the U.S. Census Bureau numbers about where people are moving. According to those numbers, the fastest-growing towns in the U.S. as measured by the percentage of population increase are all satellite cities.

They include two satellite cities of Austin, Texas (Georgetown and Leander), one in San Antonio (New Braunfels), and three in Phoenix (Queen Creek Town, Buckeye, and Goodyear). The list also includes Spring Hill, Tennessee (outside Nashville), and two southwest Florida cities about equal driving distance from Tampa Bay and South Florida (Fort Myers and North Port). Another on the list is Port St. Lucie, Florida, which sits just north of the 90-mile South Florida urban corridor that runs from Jupiter down to Miami.

Part of the growth is driven by the higher housing costs in a city, according to the CCIM Institute. “As these center cities become more in demand and expensive, urban satellites have surged in popularity,” the institute reported. “The upward trajectory of urban satellites indicates that many Americans are choosing to stay in the orbit of large, successful cities.”

So, when you’re looking for real estate options in a city, don’t ignore the possibilities in satellite cities. You might just find these lesser-known areas give you a combination of great housing choices and a short drive to all the city has to offer.

Are You Planning A move? Call (561) 683-1313 to Speak with A Relocation Specialist

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Don’t Panic! How to Move in Two Weeks or Less Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:11:49 +0000 Sometimes, life throws us curveballs. We may believe we’ve got everything planned out, and then a series of events steamroll those plans. Whatever the case, you find yourself in a tough spot, and the clock is running. That’s about the time that you feel the icy cold hands of panic gripping you. Having to move …

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How to Move in Two Weeks or Less

Sometimes, life throws us curveballs. We may believe we’ve got everything planned out, and then a series of events steamroll those plans. Whatever the case, you find yourself in a tough spot, and the clock is running. That’s about the time that you feel the icy cold hands of panic gripping you.

Having to move in two weeks or less – for whatever reason – is one of those moments.

But there’s no reason to panic! Take a look at the following tips. They can help you manage this moment and keep things from spiraling out of control. Don’t panic! You’re going to make it.

Here’s Our Tips For a Fast Move

If you are reading this, it likely means you are already feeling that panic. Or at least the slight unease that proceeds panic. So, let’s get right to it. Keep calm and read on.

Book a Mover

Do this first. You want to book them now so you know they will have a truck available on your moving day. With just two weeks left, you don’t have a lot of wiggle room. Make sure you ask the right questions and avoid common scams.

Get Professional Help

When choosing a mover, look for ones who provide the moving services that can make a short timeframe move more doable. When it comes right down to it, it’s getting the boxes and other packing materials, boxing everything up, and disassembling furniture (like beds) that present the biggest challenges. The best moving services can help with, for example, packing and unpacking services.

Clear Out Quickly

Sometimes it’s easier to declutter your home and throw out unneeded items if you make quick decisions. Considering too many options makes the process last longer, and you can’t afford to get slowed down. That said, even with limited time, try to do it in sections, because decluttering can get exhausting if you do too much at once. Some easy places to start and get the ball rolling include shoes you haven’t worn in a year, clothes that are threadbare or no longer fit, old towels and bedding, and even old photographs (you can take a picture of the images you want to keep with your cell phone).

Label Boxes

If you pack yourself, make sure to clearly label everything. Make special note of boxes filled with fragile items.

Prepare a Loading Zone

Make sure the moving truck can get close to your home. Also, speak with the landlord or neighbors if loading the truck is going to block a street or part of the parking area for any length of time.

Make a List of Places to Contact

This is a no-skip step. Get the number of all utility companies and other services you need to contact to cancel service. Then, list all the places you must call in your new location and make appointments ahead of time, so you don’t go without internet service, electricity, water, etc.

Put the First Things You Use in the Car

When you get to your new place, you’ll want toiletries, medication, vitamins, kid supplies, pet food, and toys, etc. Whatever it is you need, pack them in your car where you can easily get to them. The same goes for any potted plants you might want to move.

How to Clean Out Your Home Fast

It’s important to spend extra time creating steps to clean out the house. With a focused effort, it’s possible to clean out a house in two weeks (or even less). Focused effort means doing something every night and over the one weekend, you have left. This isn’t a time to start a new series on Netflix.

Declutter. As noted above, don’t skip decluttering just because you’re running late. Take some time, walk through your house with a trash bag (or two or three), and get rid of the easy stuff that you know you don’t need. You’ll immediately feel better. Some of the areas that tend to be clutter magnets include:

  1. The drawer in the kitchen where everything throws extra plastic dinnerware, receipts, and other random items
  2. The battery drawer, which always ends up holding more than batteries
  3. The garage
  4. The attic
  5. The extra drawers in the bathroom
  6. The spare bedroom

Take inventory. Walk through your home writing down the items in each room. Take a moment to determine where you will put them in your new home. If they won’t work (or fit), make plans to have them hauled away (junk removal is a big help in these situations) or donated to charity.

Pack seldom-used items. Items such as books, extra towels, and extra linen can get packed immediately because you won’t need them in the next two weeks. This is another opportunity to purge anything that you don’t think you’ll use in your new home.

Staging area. Make the least-used room in your home a staging area for boxes.

Label and number. Every box should be labeled and numbered (the number can indicate the destination room). Create a separate area for boxes you want to go to storage rather than your new home.

Pack frequently used items. This requires waiting until the last couple of days before departure. This includes dishes, pots, pans, silverware, etc. If possible, you can take over a few carloads to your new home. If not, make sure they are clearly marked and easily accessible once you arrive.

Deep clean the home. Now’s the time to mop the floors, vacuum carpets, and carefully clean the refrigerator and appliances.

Take care of these issues, and you can move out of a house in two weeks or less. It just takes a little time to plan (very little) and some decisive, quick action. In some ways, it might actually turn out better than thinking about a move for a month or longer.

Need Help? We Can Assist with Your Move on Short Notice, Just Give Us a Call at (561) 683-1313 to Speak with a Relocation Specialist Now

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Tips For Stress-Free Junk Removal Wed, 20 Jul 2022 11:27:12 +0000 At some point, almost everyone requires junk removal services. In some cases, it’s to lighten the load for a long-distance move or to cut down your belongings to fit into a smaller home. Or it might involve decluttering a home for seniors who are ready to sell the home where they raised a family. Whatever …

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Tips for Stress-Free Junk Removal
Image Credit – Chuck Wagner/

At some point, almost everyone requires junk removal services. In some cases, it’s to lighten the load for a long-distance move or to cut down your belongings to fit into a smaller home. Or it might involve decluttering a home for seniors who are ready to sell the home where they raised a family.

Whatever the case, it makes sense to hire professionals for your junk removal rather than making multiple trips to the landfill yourself. Junk removal services have the vehicles, equipment, and people needed to remove junk efficiently and safely. You’ll save yourself a lot of time, landfill fees, and potential injuries by turning the job over to professionals.

For most people, the biggest hurdle to hiring a junk removal service is simply knowing how to go about it. The following looks at some tips to make for stress-free junk removal.

Making Your Junk Removal Stress-Free

Once you know how to do it, working with professionals to get your junk removed is an easy, straightforward process. However, many people fail to keep these ideas in mind when they hire a junk removal service. Remembering them can make “junk removal day” a stress-free day.

Determine the Services You Need

There are many different types of junk removal services. The two main categories are residential and commercial junk removal services, but there are subsets within each. For example, residential junk removal services can include:

  • Appliance Removal
  • furniture removal
  • Attic Cleanouts
  • Estate Cleanouts
  • GarageCleanouts
  • Senior Downsizing

Commercial services can involve many different types of businesses, including construction companies, property management firms, retail stores, and more.

The bottom line: Determine what items you need to remove before looking for a junk removal service because the cost of the service will depend on the amount and weight of the junk that needs hauling.

Hire Professionals

Take the time to search for a junk removal company that is legitimate and trustworthy. There are plenty of scam companies out there that will charge you more than advertised or not show up time (or at all). It’s especially an issue as the number of people moving increases.
Make sure to get a reliable junk removal service that provides all the services you need. In addition to inquiring about rates and availability, people also should ask junk haulers about how they will haul the junk and the kind of space they need for their vehicle.

Schedule During a Slow Time

It’s best to schedule junk removal on a weekday in the morning or early to mid-afternoon when there’s less traffic on your street or in your apartment community. That allows the haulers to position the truck better. Also, check the weather in advance – you don’t want your junk removal disrupted by a storm.

Separate the Junk

Before the junk haulers arrive, separate all the junk that needs to be removed. Either place the items in a single space or mark them so the haulers can see them clearly. In some cases, you might want to make a detailed list of every item. If you plan to donate items, place them in a separate area of their own.

Clear The Space Needed

When a junk removal service arrives at your home or business, they will get the job done much faster if the space has been prepped in a way that makes it as convenient as possible to do their job. In addition to having the junk marked or separated, you should also clear a wide pathway to the junk and move vehicles out of the way. Also, let the junk removal service know in advance if the item is big or hard to get to, such as a large chest of drawers or entertainment center in an upstairs bedroom.

Know What They Won’t Take

Professional junk removers will have information on their website about what they take, but it’s important to reach out and talk to them about the details of your move. Some things they cannot take, such as certain chemicals, opened cans of paint, tires, and anything containing asbestos. Check ahead so you’re clear on what they will haul away.

Stress-free junk removal can make your relocation, renovations or home decluttering go that much easier. By planning ahead and choosing a trustworthy junk hauler, getting junk removed should become the easiest part of your project.

Call (561) 683-1313 for A Free Junk Removal Quote

The post Tips For Stress-Free Junk Removal appeared first on Good Greek Moving & Storage.

9 Real-World Reasons To Make a Move to Clearwater Fri, 27 May 2022 13:37:11 +0000 If you’re interested in moving to the Tampa Bay area, you’ve probably checked out many of the great neighborhoods to be found in Tampa and St. Petersburg. But there’s a third large city in the area that doesn’t always get the same attention: Clearwater. Not that most people haven’t heard the name “Clearwater” before. Clearwater …

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Clearwater Florida aerial photo

If you’re interested in moving to the Tampa Bay area, you’ve probably checked out many of the great neighborhoods to be found in Tampa and St. Petersburg. But there’s a third large city in the area that doesn’t always get the same attention: Clearwater.

Not that most people haven’t heard the name “Clearwater” before. Clearwater Beach is justifiably famous. But the surrounding community offers a vibe that’s a bit unique for a beach town, including an accent on the arts, music, fashion, and culture. It’s an area that is growing rapidly along with the rest of Tampa Bay.

There are quite a few good reasons why people are moving to Clearwater, including the following.

1. It’s the Original Beach Town

Florida is known for great beaches, but there’s only one Clearwater Beach. It always ranks in the top echelon of beaches in the United States (and, on some lists, in the world). And the inviting Gulf of Mexico waters are always right there, just a few minutes away.

2. It’s Also Affordable

The beach may be world-famous, but the little city right next to it is still affordable. Clearwater offers a ton of property to own or rent, from the growing downtown area to neighborhoods up and down the coast.

3. Great Neighborhoods

Yes, there’s Clearwater Beach, which is home to many people who want to live where most people vacation. However, Clearwater is filled with great neighborhoods for families and singles. They include:

  • Island Estates
  • Northwood Estates
  • Del Oro Groves
  • Seville
  • Historic Old Clearwater Bay
  • Oaks of Northwood

4. The Lack of Taxes

Florida has no state income tax. If you buy a home, the state’s Homestead Exemption allows you to not pay taxes on $25,000 of the first $50,000 in assessed home value. These two factors alone put a lot more money into your pocket.

5. The Tampa Bay Area Is Growing

Clearwater is a central part of a Tampa Bay area that is among one of the fastest-growing metro areas in the country. Why? Because businesses are coming to Tampa, along with professionals looking for jobs. The area also continues to attract its fair share of retirees. It’s created an excitement in the area that has been growing for years.

6. Great Attractions

Clearwater is known for the Clearwater Aquarium that was home to Winter, the dolphin with the prosthetic tail featured in the 2011 film “A Dolphin’s Tale” and its 2014 sequel. But that aquarium is just one of an amazing number of great attractions. The Tampa Bay area is home to the Florida Aquarium in downtown Tampa, as well as Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg and Busch Gardens and Adventure Island in Tampa. It’s also a less than a two-hour drive to the Magic Kingdom west of Orlando.

7. A Growing Cultural Scene

There’s a growing arts scene in Clearwater and across the Tampa Bay area. Clearwater is home to the Clearwater Music & Arts Festival as well as the unique Chalktober Arts Festival featuring the work of chalk artists near the beach and downtown. Tampa Bay also is home to the Tampa Museum of Art, St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Art, the Salvador Dali Museum, the Chihuly Collection, the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, and the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art in Tarpon Springs (just north of Clearwater).

8. The Cleveland Street District

On the western end of Cleveland Street downtown, the Cleveland Street District features coffee houses, restaurants, and the beautiful Bilheimer Capitol Theatre, which features a vintage Art Deco design. It also has boutiques, including the only U.S.-based location for Milan-based Gioffrè Boutique.

9. Clearwater Is Home to the Jazz Holiday

Since its beginnings in the 1980s, the Clearwater Jazz Holiday has grown into one of the biggest jazz festivals in the country. The four-day event typically attracts as many as 35,000 to Clearwater to enjoy music, food, and cultural attractions.

These are a few of the reasons Clearwater is worth a look if you’re thinking of moving to Tampa Bay. It offers an artsy, beachy vibe that is a rare combination, providing its residents with a truly unique place to live.

Contact A Relocation Specialist Now At (561) 683-1313.

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7 Reasons Families Are Moving to Fort Lauderdale Sat, 21 May 2022 12:31:55 +0000 Those who still think of Fort Lauderdale primarily as a haven for spring breakers are seriously behind the times. Not only has the area become a center for business and job opportunities, but it’s also more family-friendly than ever before. The real estate options in Fort Lauderdale continue to grow as more people learn about …

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Moving to Fort Lauderdale

Those who still think of Fort Lauderdale primarily as a haven for spring breakers are seriously behind the times. Not only has the area become a center for business and job opportunities, but it’s also more family-friendly than ever before.

The real estate options in Fort Lauderdale continue to grow as more people learn about everything Fort Lauderdale has to offer. It’s a city that has become one of the most popular relocation destinations in a state filled with them.

For families interested in Florida, Fort Lauderdale should rank high on the list of cities to consider.

Reasons Why Families Move to Fort Lauderdale

If you’re thinking about making the move to Fort Lauderdale, welcome to a large and growing group of savvy people. Moving with a family is a big decision to make. You want to weigh all the important factors. The following looks at some of the factors that have made families choose Fort Lauderdale.

Fort Lauderdale Parks and Recreation Centers

Going to the park is a frequent event for many families if there are good parks available. Fort Lauderdale has many of them.

  • Hugh Taylor Birch State Park: This park between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean has a peaceful environment, with plenty of walking paths to enjoy nature and spot wildlife, including the gopher tortoise. The park also has a boat ramp on the Intercoastal.
  • Fort Lauderdale Beach Park: Not only is the park on the Atlantic Ocean, but it also features a full basketball court, boat ramp, grills, outdoor showers, picnic tables, a playground, restrooms, and a volleyball court.
  • Colee Hammock Park: This waterfront park is known for its good fishing and plenty of picnic tables. It also offers nice water views.
  • Esplanade Park: Part of the city’s Riverwalk Park walking route, it’s also home to a ton of events each year at its waterfront garden and amphitheater.
  • Secret Woods Nature Center: This 56-acre park offers great walking trails, a butterfly garden, and plenty of areas for the whole family to explore together. The park is the first in the state dedicated to an urban wilderness area.

Fort Lauderdale Beaches

Most families have to travel many miles once a year to spend a vacation at the beach. By choosing to live in Fort Lauderdale, you have the option of traveling just a short distance to great beaches on any weekend you like. Some of the most popular in Fort Lauderdale include the following.

  • Fort Lauderdale Beach. White sand, palm trees, and excellent shopping and dining options await visitors to this seven-mile stretch of beach.
  • Hollywood Beach. South of Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood Beach is a dog-friendly beach that attracts people from across South Florida.
  • Dania Beach. A quiet beach that is perfect for families. It also has a popular fishing pier.
  • Pompano Beach. Just north of Fort Lauderdale, this is another family-friendly, quiet beach that is (relatively) away from the crowds.

Great Healthcare

The good healthcare options in Fort Lauderdale also make it attractive to families and one of the main reasons people move to Fort Lauderdale. Part of the reason for this is that one segment of the Fort Lauderdale population is older residents. It’s also a city that puts an emphasis on good health and plenty of outdoor activities that allow people to get exercise. The lifestyle in Fort Lauderdale is typically very relaxed and laid back – another plus for everyone’s health.

Great Diversity

Parents in the 21st century increasingly want their children exposed to people of different races, ethnic origins, and cultures. Fort Lauderdale offers plenty of diversity, For example, 30% of the population comes from outside the U.S. More than 100 different languages are spoken in Fort Lauderdale and throughout Broward County. No matter where you come from, you will find a group to connect with quickly.

Fort Lauderdale School Choices

Fort Lauderdale also offers a variety of good schools for families to choose from. Five of the best schools in the city, according to Great Schools, are:

  • Bayview Elementary School
  • Harbordale Elementary School
  • Floranada Elementary School
  • Virginia Shuman Young Elementary School
  • Sunland Park Academy

Some of the best high schools include Cypress Bay High School, College Academy at Broward College, Pompano Beach High School, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and West Broward High School.

These are some of the reasons families are moving to Fort Lauderdale. It’s a great South Florida city with plenty to offer both parents and their children.

Are You Considering Moving Your Family to Fort Lauderdale? Give Us A Call at (561) 683-1313 and Speak with A Relocation Specialist Today!

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Five Things You Need To Know About Moving to Tampa Bay Fri, 13 May 2022 12:00:14 +0000 Tampa Bay continues to grow rapidly. From the bustling downtowns of Tampa and St. Petersburg to the quiet, leafy avenues of neighborhoods such as Westchase, Carrollwood, Hyde Park, Old Northeast, and Palma Ceia, the area has become a magnet for retirees and young professionals alike. If you’re reading this because you want to know about …

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St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Tampa Bay continues to grow rapidly. From the bustling downtowns of Tampa and St. Petersburg to the quiet, leafy avenues of neighborhoods such as Westchase, Carrollwood, Hyde Park, Old Northeast, and Palma Ceia, the area has become a magnet for retirees and young professionals alike.

If you’re reading this because you want to know about moving to Tampa Bay, you are far from alone. Even with the rapid growth in the past two decades, Tampa and the surrounding area still have the feeling of getting in on something relatively early. That’s why businesses and individuals continue to make Tampa Bay their home.

A Popular Destination

More people than ever are moving to Tampa Bay because of the weather, job opportunities, lifestyle, and proximity to a unique mix of fantastic beaches, amusement parks, and restaurants.

But people also want to know about moving to Tampa Bay in terms of what it’s actually like living there. Here’s some insight into five key areas.

Tampa Bay Growth

Signs of growth are everywhere. If you have not visited Tampa in a few years, you might not recognize the place. Downtown has especially undergone a transformation, with the addition of more residential living, including the Water Street Tampa project. In areas such as Seminole Heights north of downtown Tampa, you’ll see construction cranes everywhere. Downtown St. Petersburg also is undergoing a transformation, with new residential and commercial projects planned for the area around Tropicana Field.

That is not likely to end anytime soon. Zillow ranked the Tampa Bay housing market the hottest in the country for 2022, passing Austin, Texas, as well as big growth cities in the southeast, including Jacksonville, Charlotte, and Raleigh. The trend is clear, people are moving to Tampa every day for a variety of reasons.

Tampa Bay Neighborhoods

All the growth has not impacted one of the Tampa Bay area’s biggest strengths: great neighborhoods. Because Tampa Bay is so big, you can find an area that suits your tastes and needs. It just will take a bit of searching because there’s a lot to consider.

The downtown areas of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater are all worth looking into for urban living (although all three are much greener and smaller than what someone from Chicago or any big city in the Northeast is used to seeing). Old Northeast and Roser Park near downtown St. Petersburg and Hyde Park, Palma Ceia, and Davis Islands near downtown Tampa also provide the charm of older homes and (in some cases) brick streets.

For more affordable homes in the suburban areas, Tampa Bay offers a wide variety of choices, each with good schools, safe streets, great parks, and plenty of shady trees. They include:

  • Carrollwood
  • Forest Hills
  • Westchase
  • Tampa Heights
  • Northdale
  • Tampa Palms
  • Kenwood
  • Euclid St. Paul’s

That’s just scratching the surface. There are also satellite communities that are still close to the city centers, especially by big-city standards. They include Land O’Lakes, Brandon, Wesley Chapel, Pinellas Park, and Seminole.

Tampa Bay Restaurants

You’re going to eat well when you eat out. With the influx of so many new people from around the country and the world, the food scene in Tampa Bay has greatly expanded in recent years. And it was already good. You’ll find a mix of old and new favorites, including Columbia Restaurant (where you can still catch a flamenco dancers show), Wright’s Gourmet House, Bern’s Steakhouse, Bella’s Italian Cafe, Oystercatchers, Datz Tampa, Frenchy’s Rockaway Grille on the beach in Clearwater, Udele, On Swann, La Segunda Bakery (for breakfast or a Cuban sandwich), West Tampa Sandwich Shop, Byblos and Bayshore Mediterranean Grille.

Again, consider this a “scratching the surface” list for those new to the area. There are hundreds of restaurants and food trucks to check out in Tampa Bay.

Tampa Bay Diversity

Tampa Bay also has grown remarkably diverse in the 21st century. For example, Florida has one of the highest populations of Arab Americans, and Tampa Bay is home for many of them. There are also many immigrants from the Caribbean islands, Europe and South America – almost 18 percent of Tampa’s population is from another country. There are also large populations of American-born residents who are Black, Hispanic, and Asian.

This wonderful mix of people leads to a great diversity of restaurants, cultural attractions, and music in Tampa Bay. It’s a true melting pot of people from everywhere.

Tampa Bay Taxes

There are no state income taxes in Florida. That’s always something worth learning when you want to know about moving to Tampa Bay or anywhere in the Sunshine State. Also, if you buy a home in Tampa Bay, you qualify for the Homestead Exemption which allows you to apply a $25,000 exemption to your home’s first $50,000 in assessed value. This applies to all taxes.

These are just some of the many things you will experience when you move to Tampa Bay. if you want to learn about Tampa and the surrounding areas, check out more information on moving to the Bay area.


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Reasons to Relocate Your Business to New City or State Thu, 28 Apr 2022 23:39:11 +0000 If you’re a business owner thinking of changing the location of your office or opening a branch, the following common reasons to relocate a business can help you make a better-informed decision. At the very least, you will see your situation is not unlike many others. No business exists in a vacuum, and keeping up …

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Reasons to Relocate Your Business to New City or State
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If you’re a business owner thinking of changing the location of your office or opening a branch, the following common reasons to relocate a business can help you make a better-informed decision. At the very least, you will see your situation is not unlike many others.

No business exists in a vacuum, and keeping up with the competition requires sometimes considering making a change in business location. While unique details drive every business decision, the following offers some common reasons to consider moving a business.

More Business-Friendly Environment

A great example of this in recent years is the migration of businesses around the country to Florida, where low taxes, high quality of life, and a pro-business environment are attracting businesses at a higher rate (it’s also a popular place to start a business). A better situation for a business can immediately lower costs and improve the bottom line.

Moving Closer to Clients

Some businesses want to move closer to their major clients, rather than spending time on the road to visit them or relying on Zoom meetings to communicate. It’s a smart business strategy to remain close to your best clients – among other things, in-person meetings will help keep them from considering your competitors. It also saves on travel costs.

Moving Into New Markets

Successful businesses eventually look to expand into new markets. This is especially true for retailers and restaurants, but it also applies to industries such as professional service companies, healthcare operations, and personal services. The fastest way to make operations more profitable is to expand into a lucrative market.

Lease Expiration

If a business rents space for its headquarters, then they will always want to consider what better deal they can find on the market when their current lease expires. Relocation is worthwhile if a business can get a better deal. Also, companies often need to upgrade to accommodate growth and expansion or to find a more modernized facility.

Lower Operation Costs

As mentioned above, a more business-friendly government can provide a good reason to relocate. Another related factor is finding a location that lowers costs for other reasons. For example, a new office might reduce long commutes for business executives, lowering their personal costs. It might also put you closer to less expensive suppliers, cutting business costs. In some cases, a move from the city to the suburbs or a satellite can significantly lower costs.

Better Labor Market

Businesses sometimes want to move to areas where there’s a deeper talent pool for potential employees. While this most often is mentioned for tech companies, it’s something that occurs in all industries. Hiring and retaining talented employees is one of the most important things a business can do to improve profits. Relocating to a talent-rich area can help accomplish that goal.

If the benefits of making a move outweigh the costs, smart business leaders will relocate without hesitation. Once the decision is made, however, it’s important to avoid common business move mistakes and plan out your move in detail.

Thinking About Moving Your Business? Call A Relocation Specialist Today at (561) 683-1313.

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