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How to Plan Your Move Like A Super Hero

Spero the Hero Ready to Help You Plan Your Move

Moving like a superhero requires planning like a superhero. You can’t just zoom in and save the day without having some idea of what you are doing. The same is true of moving. You can’t wait until two days before moving day to figure everything out.

Well, technically, you can do that, but expect your stress levels to reach record highs. No one wants that.

Where to start when you plan to move like a super hero? The first step is understanding what all you will have to do. Once you’ve found a new place to live, the major points in most moves include:

  • Decluttering your belongings
  • Gathering the boxes and other materials you need for packing
  • Packing up
  • Cleaning the old home
  • Transporting your belongings
  • Unpacking at the new home
  • Ensuring that everyone who needs your new address has it

Of course, each of those points has subsets. Does decluttering mean a garage sale, giving items away or listing items online? Are you going to pack yourself or ask movers to do it? When you transport your belongings, will you need to find storage while your new home is prepared?

How to Plan Like a Super Hero

You’ll find tons of information on our site about things to do and not do for your move. There are also some quick tips below. But here, we’re talking about how to make a good plan that will actually work. It’s what any superhero would do!

Get a Planner

Seems simple, but too many people try to just “jot down a few notes” on a scrap of paper. You want to get a new notebook or journal, or use a task management app, when you get ready to plan your move. Treat this from the start like a serious project and you’ll do a much better job meeting your goals.

Make a Framework of Goals

Research has shown that writing down goals helps people reach them. For a move, you want to create a series of goals that create a framework and timeline for your move. These are specific goals. They could include a date for items such as:

  • Turning on power at new place
  • Sending out address change emails to family, friends, and business contacts
  • Updating location on social media sites such as LinkedIn
  • Hiring a mover
  • Holding a garage sale
  • Packing the kitchen (have a date for each specific room)
  • Moving Day!

Don’t freak out if you don’t meet every goal exactly. But having a timeline will help you stay on track and keep you close to your original plan.

Be Specific

Procrastination begins where the specifics end. If an entry in your plan is vague – “kitchen” – then so will your response be when the day arrives. You should look at the plan and know exactly what to do. Rather than “kitchen,” there should be a detailed list of everything involved with getting the kitchen ready for packing.

Prioritize Tasks

While deciding what silverware to keep is important, it’s far more important to have a professional moving service lined up for the day you need it. Make sure your plan emphasizes meeting the goals for the big tasks – hiring movers, turning the power on (and off at the old place), letting your family know where you are, having each room packed and ready to go.

Building in Relaxation Time

Most moves leave people wishing they could be more like robots and just work through each day, all day. Of course, it doesn’t work that way at all. Both physically and mentally, you need a break from the move. Building in some “me time” every day. Otherwise, you’ll just keep feeling more stressed out with each passing day.

Be Nice to Yourself

So many don’t do this! Give yourself a break if you miss a deadline here or there. The sky is not going to fall. Just do your best to catch up and get the job done. In addition to the downtime, make sure you also continue to cut yourself a break. Moving is complicated and challenging. Beating yourself up over every detail will not help anyone, least of all you.

A Quick List of Ways to Save Money

During a move, trimming costs here and there can really add up. If you’re looking for some ideas, consider the following.

  1. Boxes. One option is to get boxes through the moving company. You can also look for boxes on Craigslist, Freecycle, U-Haul Box Exchange, and Facebook groups.
  2. Find discounts. Look for moving company discounts for specific dates, usually when fewer people are moving. Some movers will offer discounts if you use one of their other services (such as junk removal, concierge service, storage).
  3. Declutter. The less you move, the less you pay. This is an area where a junk removal service can come in handy.
  4. Pick a cheaper date. Choose a date to move when movers aren’t overwhelmed with customers. Avoid busy periods such as May through August. Aim for mid-week and mid-month moves.
  5. Shop around. Take the time to find movers who have reasonable prices and all the services you require. Look for a good reputation and no “it’s too good to be true” prices.
  6. Pack yourself. A good mover will offer to do the packing for you. But if you want to do it yourself, you can save some costs. Just make sure to have all the material you need and start early.
  7. Tax deduction. You might be able to deduct some expenses on your tax return if you moved because of work.

Mistakes to Avoid

Moving like a superhero always means knowing what NOT to do. They include the following:

  • Not putting someone in charge. You need one point person in the household as the go-to person for moving plans.
  • Moving it all. The world “declutter” appears in this article several times for a reason. Getting rid of stuff you don’t need is key to a successful move.
  • Waiting too late to start. Procrastination is to be expected here and there, but continuously putting things off will cause chaos.
  • Not notifying people of address change. For both personal and business contacts, as well as utilities and internet service, make sure you tell everyone your new address. It will save you major headaches later.

Despite its reputation, moving does not have to be a super stressful experience. By planning ahead and keeping these tips in mind, you, too, can move like a super hero.

Are You Planning A Move?  Call (561) 683-1313 To Speak  With A Relocation Specialist Today

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