(561) 683-1313


How Moving Isn’t As Bad As You Think

Moving all your stuff to a new place? Ugh. Who needs the stress and worry of that!

That’s the usual thinking for people considering a move. Just the word “moving” conjures up all kinds of negative thoughts. The packing, the unpacking. And what if you don’t really like the place you’ve decided to move?

Those are all common concerns. But if you do a move right, it’s really not as bad as you think. Trust us. At Good Greek Moving & Storage, we’ve seen it all. And the truth is most moves go much smoother than you could have ever imagined.

Here are some ways that moving isn’t really that bad. In fact, it can be one of the best things you’ve ever done.

Plan Before Acting

A good move happens when the person doing the move has thought it through. You really do want to move to the new place you’ve picked out, whether it’s somewhere in South Florida or an entirely different state. And you’re prepared to do the work to get it done right.

What kind of work? Things like throwing out the items you don’t want, getting the right packing supplies, packing up what’s left in an orderly way, and knowing beforehand where you want everything in your new place. Just these simple steps can make a move much easier.

You Get to Purge

Look around where you live right now. Chances are, without even leaving the room you are in, there are several items you could throw out and never miss. In our experience, they usually include old magazines, paperwork from years ago you no longer need, and decorative items that seemed like a good idea at the time but that you got tired of years ago.

And the attic! Attics are full of items that people no longer need. The same thing applies often to garages. Getting rid of all that stuff from the past that you no longer need or want is one of the great parts of making a move.

Hire The Right Movers

Finding the right movers does not need to be a stressed-filled experience. Yes, there are moving scams, to be sure. But you can avoid them by keeping the following in mind:

  • Research online and only contact movers with a good reputation
  • Hire movers with a lot of experience
  • Go with a mover who offers a FREE estimate on moving costs, and then provides you with a best price before moving day
  • Consider a full-service company that offers services such as packing, unpacking, disassembly and assembly of light furniture, and third-party insurance that goes beyond the standard insurance every licensed mover in Florida must offer.
  • Look for a professional mover with experience, not a fly-by-night operation

All this can make moving day not bad at all. In fact, it will go far smoother than you ever believed possible.

Signs It’s Time to Move

Another reason moving is not as bad as you think is because, if handled properly, it helps you accomplish a major goal. And moving is definitely a major goal!  Sometimes, though, it’s hard to make that decision and get the ball rolling.
If you’re still on the fence, consider these reasons it might be a good time for a move.

  • You want to be closer to a new, better job or you’re tired of commuting to your current job
  • You need more space – or less space
  • Getting closer to your family
  • You’ve been in the same place for years and simply want a change
  • You’ve run out of reasons to stay in a place – nothing is holding you there
  • You find yourself complaining all the time about where you live
  • You’ve always been interested in a certain city or state and you want to really see what it’s like to live there

Any of these could mean it’s time to move. And with a well thought-out plan, some pre-moving preparation, a purge of all that old stuff you don’t want and the right moving company, moving will be nowhere near as bad as you think.

Are You Considering Moving? Call (561) 683-1313 To Speak With A Relocation Specialist Today!


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