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7 Advantages of Moving to the Suburbs

People live in cities for many reasons. It’s fun to live close to downtown, where there’s plenty of arts, entertainment and sports just a short drive away. A lot of people also work downtown, and living in the city shortens their commute.

But at some point, many people get tired of city living. Life changes. They want more room. Suddenly, things like the high costs of everything from groceries to gas starts to become more irritating. All the loud noises at night become distracting. Everything that once was charming is now just annoying.

That’s when many people start to dream of living in the suburbs. They might not talk about it with their cool city friends, but they have started to think about getting out. Still, they might be unsure of what the suburbs offer. With those people in mind, here’s a list of seven advantages to moving to the suburbs.

More Indoor Space

A quick trip to Zillow or any other real estate site can demonstrate the cost differences between renting a townhouse in the city and renting or buying a home in the suburbs. For about the same amount of money, you can get a lot more space. No one appreciates the space of a two-bedroom, two-bath home more than someone who has lived in a small apartment in the city.

More Outdoor Space

A backyard! No wonder people started loving them back in the mid-20th century. Having the space to put out some chairs, a grill or even building a deck can make your home that much more enjoyable. It’s a large advantage especially if you have a dog, a child or both. Backyards simply improve your quality of life.

Your Dollar Goes Further

Odds are, whatever you rent or buy in the suburbs will lighten your pocketbook less than what you pay in the city. When it comes to real estate, your dollar stretches farther in the suburbs. But it doesn’t stop there. Generally speaking, necessities such as food, gas, and services (haircuts, nail salons, etc.) will also be less expensive.

Peace and Quiet

You’re not going to hear sirens wailing at all hours of the night in the suburbs. You’re also not going to have the large, raucous crowds that you see at sporting events, protests, and other inner-city events. People love to live in cities for the energy and vibe, but at some point, a good night’s sleep sounds pretty good, too. The peaceful, quiet suburban streets offer just what people need.

Safer Neighborhoods

While crime has fallen in all areas in the past two decades, you’re still more likely to be a victim of most crimes in the city than you are in the suburbs, according to numbers from a federal government fact sheet. While the city still offers safe neighborhoods, the suburbs simply offer more of them.

Better Roads

It’s far easier to drive on the well-paved, wide boulevards that most suburbs boast. Parking is also a breeze and you can own a car that is bigger than a roller skate and still drive down each street with room to spare. You may find your tires last longer, too.

Access to the City

You’re not really “missing out” in the suburbs. If you’re willing to drive for 30 minutes (or less), then it’s no problem to get to museums, sporting events, the best restaurants, etc. Also, many places in the modern metropolis have started to move out into the suburbs, so they are bringing the cultural amenities to you, not the other way around.

These represent seven of the many advantages of moving to the suburbs. For those with a family, it’s a big upgrade. And even for those without a family, it can provide the kind of peace, quiet and safety that improves your quality of life

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